Arkansas Learning Through The Arts values the assessment process on several levels:
- Validate the change in student achievement
- Rate the quality of the programs from an artistic and educational viewpoint
- Collect subjective feedback on the above and suggestions for program and/or process improvement.
Assessment can be a very expensive component and therefore ALTTA is tailoring the assessment to the size of the organization. At this point, assessing the change in student achievement remains the responsibility of each school district. In the absence of an detailed study, the readiness of a school district to schedule programs in the following year is a reflection on their positive assessment.
ALTTA has engaged an experienced assessment consultant to initiate an assessment program for the second and third points. Bransom Working Group interviewed key stakeholders in the program for their viewpoints and suggestions. ALTTA received high reviews and some very important suggestions for improvement. ALTTA expects to construct an assessment survey by workshop to be completed by volunteers on a periodic basis. The observations are to assure that both the artistic and educational aspects of the workshop are fulfilled.